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C.J. Sadera posted a condolence
Thursday, April 6, 2023
I don’t remember the first time we met. He wasn’t waiting at the door with a shotgun, he didn’t ignore my presence in the room, he didn’t give me any indication that he did not approve of his daughter’s choice. I didn’t need to win over the dad. I knew him for 40 years and from day one, he treated me as though we already knew each other for 40 years. He was that kind of guy. Being around him was effortless, which was one of his greatest qualities. Easy-going, mild mannered with a laugh that was distinctive as it was contagious.
Like everyone else, I just enjoyed his company. I think I will always regret not getting out on the golf course more often with him. “Hit another” as he threw a ball to you after shanking one into the woods, always believing that your next one was going to be better. Or, looking at your 5’ putt and telling you to pick it up because it was a “gimme”, having more faith in you and your ability than you had in yourself.
He was someone who took a genuine interest in your life. One of the few individuals who actually wanted to hear work stories. I must have told the Rocco DiSpirito story to him two dozen times. And he always seemed genuinely surprised and disappointed that the moral of the story was, Rocco was a real ass. I guess he wanted to believe that everyone was as nice as he was, which was completely within his character.
Although somewhere along the line he switched to bigger and better, I will never look at a bottle of Bombay Sapphire without thinking of him. There is a brief moment in my history where he had me convinced that that poison actually tasted good. I trusted him so much, I believed him for a while. Eventually my tastebuds belied the truth.
And finally, I would be remiss if I did not remind the world that he was also a champion in the NFL Family Pool. Unlike those that came before and after, he accepted the Title much like he led his life, with class, grace, dignity and humility.
The world just lost a true champion. I will miss him dearly.
Tom Willett posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
I really am going to miss my golfing buddy. We had alot laughs along with our shit shots and stops at the 19th hole over the years. Will miss him, dearly. Will think of him often out on the course. Another great one gone.
Jennifer Sadera posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
My dad’s greatest superpower was his ability to make all those around him feel special. He was a humble man who would be embarrassed by this attention. He always preferred talking about you rather than himself. He was a voracious reader and a great writer. When I was a child I found a story he wrote that I enjoyed so much it inspired me to write, too. That love of reading and writing has been a lifelong gift.
My dad was lighthearted and funny, always preferring praising to preaching. Nothing made me happier than to see his eyes light up with the pleasure of a good conversation or listening to the achievements of his kids or grandchildren. He was a loyal friend, a reliable husband and parent, and always willing to go the extra mile for anyone—literally. My teen years were full of all the places he drove my friends and me! And his beaming face was present at every sports match, play, and even choral event we had. And let’s face it, grade-school chorus concerts can be as dry as burnt toast.
When my brothers and I married, he was delighted to include our spouses into the family. He treated my CJ as though he were his own son. And as a grandparent he was a natural. Whether it was “monster hunting” up at the lake when the kids were little or discussing college or life plans with grown grandchildren, he was always laser-focused on their happiness.
Most of all, he was kind. I hope he’s resting easy knowing how much we loved him. We will all miss him forever.
Kaylee McGill posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Jim, or Grandpa as I called him, filled my life with so much joy and taught me so much that he probably didn’t even realize. He showed me how beautiful and fun life can be when you go with the flow and don’t stress about things out of your control. While his relaxed manner drove Grandma batty sometimes, I loved to watch him glide through life. I will miss his witty comments that make everyone laugh. Even after his stroke he kept his sense of humor and would always find ways to make me laugh.
The way he cared for and loved all his grandchildren with all his heart is all I could ever ask for. When I look at photos of us together and see his genuine smile I remember just how happy he was when we were all together. I wish we could’ve been all together with him one last time. I wish I could ride in his car, while holding on for my life and making fun of his big band music. I wish I could talk smack just to have him kick my butt effortlessly on the golf course and tell me I did a great job even after he beat be by 20 strokes and gave me about 10 mulligans. I wish I could tell him about school and my internships and see the pride in his eyes. I loved the way Grandpa always told me to call him with the hard homework questions when I got stuck. I wish we could hang out on the porch at camp and walk the dogs together one last time. I wish I could hear him tell me the same story for the 5th time because each time he told it it was a little different but it never mattered to me because I loved when he would tell stories. I wish I could hear his chuckle and see his smile again. There are a lot of things I wish I could do with him one last time, however I am thankful for all of the fond memories I have of my time with him. I can still feel the warmth of his presence and for that I am extremely grateful.
I am so thankful for the years we had together, and the relationship we had. I cannot wait to meet again someday, I love you forever Grandpa.
Love, Lauren, Rachel, Matthew & Cameron planted a tree in memory of James McGill
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Dear Jennifer, CJ, Amanda, and Ryan, So sorry for the loss of your father, father-in-law and grandfather. May his memory be a blessing. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Susan Helbeck posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Jenn I am so sorry for the passing of your dad. Hoping he sees my dad up there and they can laugh about their time at Lyco and Sig Pi. I will be keeping you all in my prayers during this difficult time. Much Love Sue

A Memorial Tree was planted for James McGill
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Gordon C. Emerick Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of James F. McGill uploaded a photo
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

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